EU Investment Funds: New Rules for Alternative Investment Funds (AIFMD) adopted

On February 26th, the Council adopted new rules that amends the alternative investment fund managers directive (AIFMD) and the directive for undertakings for collective investment in transferable securities (UCITS). AIFMD and UCITS regulate the investment funds market. AIFMD primarily governs managers of hedge funds, private equity funds, private debt funds, and real estate funds.

Key Takeaways

The new rules aims to:

  • Regulate managers of alternative investment funds (AIFMs) managing AIFS which originate loans (private credit funds).

  • Clarify standards applicable to AIFMs that delegate their functions to third parties.

  • Ensure equal treatment of entities providing custody services.

  • Improve cross-border access to depositary services.

  • Optimise supervisory data collection and to facilitate the use of liquidity management tools across EU.

Press release

We'd love to hear what you think of this update. Please share your comments or feedback, especially if you have any suggestions for improvement.


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